Our Story So Far…

We Are Wonder has developed fluidly over several years over - testing different models of meet-ups with children and their parents in Glasgow Southside. We were looking to find solutions to our diverse experiences as families that we felt were not being met by existing pre-school provision.

In April 2022 we (Gina and Lillias), friends and neighbours, came together through a shared passion to re-wild the educational landscape by activating more spaces that will facilitate self-directed learning. We visioned this website into being with a wish to connect, grow and build opportunities for self-directed education.

Since launching the website in September 2022, we have met every Friday afternoon in Queen’s Park with so many incredible families who share our desire to support young people to gain more autonomy, freedom and voice in their education. Fridays have become a regular crew of home educators, flexi-schoolers and some wonderfully wild children.

Our focus going forward is on nature led learning - where learning is directed by a sense of self, of nature and our place in the wider ecology. Where nature is the teacher! We are working on some exciting projects for 2023 and beyond that we can not wait to share with you.

We dream of more spaces for self-directed education in all forms throughout Glasgow and this is just the beginning! Where we go from here is as far reaching as the collective imagination of what we can build together. There is strength in numbers and collaboration.